Make a Go fund me account and make sure it looks real and seem legit. Once you do that connect it to a bank or cash out card.
Then you need to use your personal card or a friend pay a friend $10 cash to use there card to hit your GF account you made that way it will be real transactions.
Do this about 3 times from $5-$10 once you have 3 Good transactions (don't do them back to back and not from the same card).
You then can use a Fresh CC you get make sure its live and a good Debit CARD BIN and hit the GF account start small $25 here and $50 there don't do it back to back wait.
Once you hit the GF account for $50 with a Fresh CC use another Fresh CC and donate $500 and from there find your own pattern and once you hit a decent amount CASH OUT!!!!!!
Then you need to use your personal card or a friend pay a friend $10 cash to use there card to hit your GF account you made that way it will be real transactions.
Do this about 3 times from $5-$10 once you have 3 Good transactions (don't do them back to back and not from the same card).
You then can use a Fresh CC you get make sure its live and a good Debit CARD BIN and hit the GF account start small $25 here and $50 there don't do it back to back wait.
Once you hit the GF account for $50 with a Fresh CC use another Fresh CC and donate $500 and from there find your own pattern and once you hit a decent amount CASH OUT!!!!!!